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Banned Players

How does it work 🚩
ZulaClub Europe is a Zula Global-based community, pioneering European tournaments on the game.

On some events, we've been able to collaborate with Madbyte Games to filter out cheaters and prevent them from playing / replaying our tournaments, allowing all players in the community to show their true talents against naturally talented players.

As well as fighting against cheating, we also fight against scammers taking part in our tournaments, because we need to show players the right way and enable them to play in a healthy environment. A healthy environment also means fighting all forms of discrimination to preserve the dignity of our players.

For this reason, you'll find a list of players who have been banned from our tournaments, along with the reasons why they were banned and the duration of the ban.
The List of the Players 📢
Statut Nickname Reason Duration
insult ZulaClub Europe staff ; Accuse with no evidence ZulaClub Europe for Scam while all prizes were delivered. 28th February 2024 - 1st April 2024
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