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Zula Global Patch Note 1.44



Dear players of Zula Global, the best way to start this new year is to release the biggest update hat we hope you will all love, let's go!
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New Egypt Map
You are not dreaming, I promise!

You asked us to share your thoughts to the developers, we did it! You can finally play on a new Competitive map called Egypt on Zula! Discover this new map and share us your thoughts regarding this new map, we will be glad to read and share it to the developers 😋🤩


Two new weapons released in game!
Mmmh, tell me more?

After settling in Egypt, we discovered a new technology that surprised us a bit, two new weapons with original and atypical animations were buried in a protected room, to celebrate the news, we decided to add them in Zula! The first weapon is the new riffle Alien P2023 which may be the new META weapon. The second weapon is the new pistol Alien M2023 which is a kind new Desert Eagle! 🥰

 New Zula Pass
Pyramid season

With the arrival of the Egypt map, we are crowning the mystical atmosphere surrounding Zula with the Pyramid Season. Titan blade, The Last Samurai Series, Snow Series, Pablo and Iron Keychains and many other prizes will be with you in the season market!

 New Cases in the shop!
Still on Pyramid theme

New exclusive cases according to the Pyramid Season are in play! You will be able to recognize them thanks to their atypical but hypnotizing visual 👀

 The Last Samurai Series

This update does not have any sense, this is why we have made just for your beautiful eyes the Last Samurai series which the decks are available on the shop! Everyone loves Samurais, right? 👺

 New Snow Series!
Why not?

We never saw snow on pyramids, but we are on Winter season period, so we said "Why not add Snow series", and we said "mmmh, ok!". I hope you get the explanation ❄️

 New Titan Knife
Just for you!

We have show you the new riffle and pistol early in the patch note, but after long discussion, we decided to also share you the knife founded on the pyramid called Titan knife, all we can say is that we still do not understand this new technology, so be careful when using it..

 New Animated keychains
We continue this keychain serie!

Let us introduce you the 5th and 6th animated keychain representing Zula and Gladyo characters: Pablo and Demir! 🗿

 New In Game Sprays
The last new feature

The last new feature of this patch note is the new sprays which we have spent a lot of time to design and respect the multiple themes available on this new update. We hope you will all appreciate it! 🔫

 Other improvements

Added Slap Mode to normal servers
Fixed Clan Logos not appearing in rooms set up on clan server
Fixed Robocop Guaranteed Deck visual


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