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Zula European League | Update


It is with sadness that we announce the withdrawal of ZulaClub Europe from the Zula European League.

What does this mean?
It means that we will no longer promote the event on the ZulaClub website and social networks, that we will no longer cast the matches and that we will no longer administer the matches. In short, we are handing over all rights to the game developers Madbyte Games who will be the main and sole managers of the league in every respect.

Will the cashprize change?
As you may know, we have invested in a part of the final cash prize. However, even if we announce our withdrawal from the league, we will not withdraw our investment in the cashprize because it is important to respect the players who play the Zula European League, we refuse to disrespect the enthusiasts who gather around the same passion that we share with them.

What about the Zula Champions League (ZCL)?
The idea was shared with the developers, we proposed to them that the four best teams of the Zula Klan Turnuva could play the four best European teams. The final decision is up to them whether or not to make this event happen.

Who will be in charge of the cast of the next matches?
At the moment, I don't have enough information to answer that. Please wait for a feedback from the developers for this point. Note however that we have shared with the developers the contacts of some commentators who, I hope, will be able to give you a great experience (or better than us!).

Why is ZulaClub Europe being removed from the Zula European League?

We have good reasons for doing this. Please note, however, that given the time we are in, we want to speak out after the Zula European League so as not to impact the work of the developers or the development of the organizations and the investment of the players.

Will we be able to see tournaments organized by ZulaClub Europe in the future?

Only time will tell.

Thanks again to all of you for your unwavering support in our various projects, it has given me a lot of confidence and strength, I hope I have not disappointed in the past year - because it has been a year since we launched the Zula Monthly Cup system that has helped revive eSports on Zula -, and sorry if this announcement disappoints you. We are just as disappointed as you are that we have to turn a page in this story.

Thank you for reading this far.


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